“I really like that classic gentleman look,” Dustin Genereux says. “Clean cut, dressed well, shoes shined. Men used to dress up every day. It was just that culture of showing respect for yourself.” The photographer and graphic designer definitely has an eye for style both on and off camera (and has a drawer completely devoted to his beloved bowties, of which he guesses he has about 65). “I just like the fact that when you wear a bowtie, you look proper,” he explains. “You look like a gentleman – you look well kept. I wish more people would dress that way.”
When it comes to fashion on other people, Dustin has a looser definition of what defines style. “It’s really about how well their outfit coordinates,” he says. “I really like people who have an indie look to them, but then add their own twist to it. I have a friend who owns eight pairs of cowboy boots, and she wears them with everything. That’s her thing.” His social circle reflects that same artistic eye. “I hang out with what you could call the trendy crowd,” Dustin describes. “Everyone makes fun of hipsters, like they’re a social joke, but they’re some of the most stylish people I know.”
However, it’s not always about the clothes, especially when it comes to shooting fashion photos. “I don’t like models who are just there,” he explains. “They need to have a good personality that will show through the camera, to be able to engage the audience with just a look.” His environment inspires him just as much as his subjects. “That’s what I love about Providence,” Dustin says. “No matter where you shoot, there’s a background that tells a story. If you shoot anywhere on College Hill, you have Providence’s history right behind you. I like shooting in Olneyville – a gorgeous model with grungy decay behind her. I like that juxtaposition.”
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