Leading Ladies 2019

Leading Ladies 2019: Heather Paliotta

Executive Director, Charlestown Chamber of Commerce


Heather Paliotta has been with the CHARLESTOWN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE for 18 years, taking the lead with recruiting volunteers and growing membership. She’s especially proud of tripling the size of the Charlestown Seafood Festival, their largest fundraiser, and this year’s 35th annual celebration. “We are strong advocates for our members, and strong ambassadors for preserving our coastal heritage.” 

Charlestown Chamber of Commerce

Charlestown| 364-3878 

Leading Ladies 2019, Leading Ladies, Leading Ladies of Rhode Island, Leading Ladies RI, Rhode Island Leading Ladies, Leading Ladies of RI, East Side Monthly, Hey Rhody, Providence Monthly,  So Rhode Island,  The Bay Magazine, Rhode Island, RI, Leading Women of Rhode Island, Leading Women of RI, Providence Media, Leading Ladies Providence Media, Leading Ladies Providence Media 2019, Leading Ladies Providence Monthly, Leading Ladies SO Rhode Island, Leading Ladies East Side Monthly, Leading Ladies The Bay, Leading Ladies Providence Monthly 2019, Leading Ladies SO Rhode Island 2019, Leading Ladies East Side Monthly 2019, Leading Ladies The Bay 2019, Cheers to Leading Ladies, Cheers to Leading Ladies 2019, Cheers to Leading Ladies of RI, Cheers to Leading Ladies of Rhode Island, Providence Media presents Leading Ladies, Providence Media presents Leading Ladies 2019, Leading Ladies of Providence Media, Providence Media's Leading Ladies, Providence Media's Leading Ladies of RI, Leading Ladies of Providence RI, Leading Ladies of South County, Leading Ladies of The Bay, Heather Paliotta Executive Director of the Charlestown Chamber of Commerce, Heather Paliotta, Charlestown Chamber of Commerce, Charlestown RI


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