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I was really saddened by your 10 to watch for picks this year. I am a life long PPSD teacher. Last year, I invited several of your "10s" to be speakers to my students and that was a great experience.

The 2 "education" people you picked are carpetbaggers. Don't get me started on RI Can! It is a front for Achievement First... do the research in CT and find out all the interlocking ties between Conn Can and AF.

As for Dr. Miller Williams, she is an authentic education carpetbagger. Here in RI to add turnaround school experience to her educational resume before moving on to her continued career as an educational consultant. All of the Race to the Top money goes to her salary and the salary of this new layer of administration and charters (i.e Cambium) . None of it goes to students, or to technology for the classroom.

The school board, for once, balked at paying her salary and the salaries of the other UP administrators. It would be an interesting tale to find out how exactly she is being paid.

UP will NOT work. No students WANT to go to Alvarez b/c it is on a brownfield, no sports teams and they have to go to school 5 hours /week longer than their peers. IT is the elephant in the room. UP is already manipulating data to justify their existence and salaries.

UP sure is doing a good job with their PR -- you selected a 3 month resident/carpetbagger to be on your Top"10" list. Based on your awards for this year, you would never know there are hard-working dedicated teachers in Providence. I guess your staff's kids go to private schools...

From: 10 to Watch for 2013

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